Tom had graduated top of his class in the Junior Officer Training Program. Now here he was, fresh from the Farm, waiting for the action to come and find him. Who wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity like this? Right now, filing classified papers. Protecting fellow citizens. Clandestine and routine work.
Routine alright. The closest I’m gonna get to the action is holding one of the bureau’s pens.
Tom sat stiffly at his desk, trying to straighten a paper clip without leaving any trace of a kink. It snaps into two pieces and he tosses it into the bin. Blast resistant walls. Protecting secrets? They’re probably to keep me in here shuffling papers.
Bored with paperwork, he starts to read the introduction to the Interrogation Training Manual, and feels the deep breath of the old hack peering over his shoulder.
“Shouldn’t you be shuffling papers?” the man hoots, and the rest of the hacks laugh loudly.
Before walking away, the old timer whispers in Tom’s ear. “The coffee schedule. Watch”, and points to the boss’ office.
A kid, about Tom’s age, dressed in a power suit, was striding confidently into the boss’ office with a styrophome cup in hand. Tom had seen this happen every day. Some days the kid gets a pat on the back. Some days the boss snatches at the coffee. Last week she threw it at the window. But always the same kid. Once he’s in her office, he’s in the inner circle.
The trainers at the Farm told him not to drink coffee; it messes with your head, weakens your reflexes, or something. But life at the Farm had created an insatiable appetite for all the things he shouldn’t have anymore. And who needs quick reflexes to shuffle papers anyway? Maybe when a sheet slips to the floor. Gotta scoop it up quick smart.
Tom gets out his new notebook, and bounces his new spring-loaded pen into action. Timing is everything. Picking the right time is also about the temperature of the brew. He watches everything, notices the smallest details, like he was trained. Like the days when she has multiple coffee circles on her desk, and the mood swings when she doesn’t get her morning hit. He gets out his notebook every morning, noon and afternoon. Waiting for the coffee boy. Trying to get on her radar.
© 2010 Elizabeth Neil All Rights Reserved
Hello! I'm a freelance writer from Australia. My writing interests include lifestyle, travel, culture, politics occasionally, animal conservation, and I have a keen interest in profiles and features.
Friday, 19 November 2010
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