All the Queen’s Army and all the Queen’s men, are hiring Summernats bogans again. Ugh.
The Australian Army have been heading out to the annual Summernats car festival in Canberra for years in an attempt to woo some of Australia’s most trashy, yet car-savvy, young hooligans. Evidently, male bogan-filled environments are perfect breeding grounds for future Army recruits. Well it makes sense I suppose.
This year, the ADF wheeled in their aptly named, Armygeddon, to whip the boys into a testosterone-fuelled frenzy. I can’t decide if it’s a good thing or a bad thing to have these guys in charge of Army vehicles. I guess it’s a good way to turn them into real men – a bit of discipline, a bit of hard yakka and absolutely no access to weapons of any kind. Just so we’re clear - nobody’s giving them guns, right?
I do hope the Army keep an eye on their new bonehead recruits. War’s hard enough as it is; the last thing the Aussie troops need is a shipment of purple suped-up, turbo-charged V8 street machine tanks with stickers of women in bikinis on the side panels. What on earth would the upstanding citizens of the Taliban think? They would be forced to go and kill a bunch of innocent civilians because the West has, yet again, made them crankypants.
The Taliban and Summernats bogans have a lot in common when you think about it. They objectify women, love to burn oil and rubber, breed fear and anxiety on city streets, and a great number of people would be happy if we could just find a way to get rid of them for good.
The Australian Army have been heading out to the annual Summernats car festival in Canberra for years in an attempt to woo some of Australia’s most trashy, yet car-savvy, young hooligans. Evidently, male bogan-filled environments are perfect breeding grounds for future Army recruits. Well it makes sense I suppose.
This year, the ADF wheeled in their aptly named, Armygeddon, to whip the boys into a testosterone-fuelled frenzy. I can’t decide if it’s a good thing or a bad thing to have these guys in charge of Army vehicles. I guess it’s a good way to turn them into real men – a bit of discipline, a bit of hard yakka and absolutely no access to weapons of any kind. Just so we’re clear - nobody’s giving them guns, right?
I do hope the Army keep an eye on their new bonehead recruits. War’s hard enough as it is; the last thing the Aussie troops need is a shipment of purple suped-up, turbo-charged V8 street machine tanks with stickers of women in bikinis on the side panels. What on earth would the upstanding citizens of the Taliban think? They would be forced to go and kill a bunch of innocent civilians because the West has, yet again, made them crankypants.
The Taliban and Summernats bogans have a lot in common when you think about it. They objectify women, love to burn oil and rubber, breed fear and anxiety on city streets, and a great number of people would be happy if we could just find a way to get rid of them for good.
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