Saturday, 19 February 2011

Nine green bins clogging up the street

Recycling is one thing, but sorting rubbish into nine bins? The geniuses running the City Council in Newcastle-under-Lyme, in Great Britain, thought it best to make the locals sort their rubbish into nine bins. That’s right, nine bins. But that's nothing.  The average number of bins into which residents in the UK are required to sort their waste is four.  163 councils force their electorates to sort rubbish into five or more bins!  But why, you may ask.

Well, the eco warriors over at the European Union have devised a ridiculous landfill directive, that has set legally binding targets on member states, one of which is Great Britain, to reduce the amount of waste headed to landfill sites. And you will get fined if you act rationally by not meeting these targets; for example, by failing to enforce people in your electorate to place nine collection bins outside their house on garbage day.

Evidently, it is irrelevant to the EU that the concentration of methane gas has barely increased in the last twenty years. And the fact that many climate scientists know that carbon dioxide generated by human activity has caused little or no global warming must be dismissed by the EU as ‘CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL’.  You simply cannot let facts get in the way when you have an eco agenda.

Apart from the nauseating platitudes this sycophantic Council must receive from the eco warriors, there seems to be no great point in insisting that these poor people sort rubbish in this way. Going to so much trouble, you’d think for sure the Council would have the garbage guys at the other end ready to tend to the refuse. Well no, that doesn’t seem to be happening in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

There are no coloured teams of workmen at the end of the line ready to sort rubbish for “Team Used Teabags” or “Team Used Shampoo Containers".  Just a steaming pile of mismanaged garbage that is pissing off the locals and emitting a great deal of stench. In fact, the MP for Newcastle-under-Tyme, Paul Farrelly, has invested £1 million to try and stop the “noxious smells” that are emitting from a local landfill site. Something to do with locals residents with young families that have been complaining about the smell for a while now. Ah yes, the environmental consequences of idiotic decisions. The money has gone towards an elaborate system that “controls odours", apparently.
Don't we all

Of course, as usual with hard-core greenie types, recycling to the enth degree is only obligatory if it doesn’t involve personal inconvenience. That is, it is far more gratifying to inconvenience other people than yourself.  Councellor Gary Porter, chairman of the Local Government Association Environment Board in the UK, says the various recycling requirements reflect the different areas of the UK, and "what works in inner-city London won't necessarily work in rural areas."

That’s right. You simply cannot make the inner city, latte-sipping London greenies recycle in this way.  It is, afterall, their job to preach about recycling, and then others have to pay the price for their whinging. That is the way it works. Which is why councils in London are exempt from sorting each bit of their rubbish into four or five or six separate bins.  Fortunately for Mr Porter, he empties his garbage right in the heart of London. 

You see, the whole point of being a greenie eco warrior is to create the most amount of inconvenience for the least amount of effectiveness. That’s how they roll.  For more on this, see any environmental action plan proposed or endorsed by Al Gore.

Sure, it’s not practical to have nine bins outside every London home, but doesn’t this go against the left wing eco ideology that human’s are destroying the world? I think it is likely that Londoners are using more consumerables than their rural neighbours, and the rural residents are likely using more home-grown recyclable products than Londoners, which can be chucked into their backyard compost.

Rather than trust the ‘science’ of acclaimed global eco warrior hypocrites like Al Gore, here are the views of actual scientists on the gases debate. Professor Charles Wax, a Mississippi state climatologist; "there isn't a consensus among scientists." And Richard Lindzen, formerly of the IPCC, and meteorology professor at MIT, who says, "there is no substantive basis for predictions of sizeable global warming due to observed increases in minor greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons."

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