And I've been dreaming and hallucinating of kick-arse commando units, maghooks, Antarctic ice shelfs (shelves?), mutant nuclear radiation-generated elephant seals and killer whales ever since. Yes, that makes for a quite a daunting dream. And I don't always live through it either, so clearly I am not the leading man / super-marine superhero that I think I deserve to be in my own dream. Perhaps my subconscious has self-esteem troubles like the rest of my brain.
I've decided that my life, perhaps, would be more exhilarating if I too could own a maghook like Scarecrows. The maghook is a small, albeit powerful, cylindrical electromagnet that can be used as a grappling hook. The magnet is activated and deactivated by pushing a button on and off, or some such.
The maghook is guaranteed to get you out of any sticky situation, and it had its heyday during the Star Wars years. But where does one purchase such a device? I doubt it's something you can pick up from K-Mart, or even Bunnings. Perhaps an army surplass store stocks what I want. Imagine how your life could change with a spiderman-esque gadget of this nature?
If you find yourself in a meeting that doesn't meet your exacting requirements for timeliness, efficiency or interest, you could simply excuse yourself briefly and maghook your shit out of there. Work would become most exciting; or, at least, like a Bond movie starring a plank of wood as the antagonist. Or maybe that's just the bad guys in my workplace.
Liz - you know where I work. Find me a maghook.
Heh - the poor confused kid at Bunnings told me they don't stock maghooks. Go figure!!
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