Thursday, 2 February 2012


It's very important to me to keep abreast of current affairs.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that if I don't read something newsworthy at least once a day time loses all meaning to me and my head will spin on its axis until it explodes.  It's a huge inconvenience and often quite awkward.  You really find out who your friends are when your head spontaneously detonates itself.

So keeping in mind my incessant need for current affairs updates, you can understand my interest in David Beckham at this time, given he has just primped, posed and preened his way through a new H & M undergarments ad for the Superbowl.  Thus, it seemed prudent to overanalyse his undies commercial, debriefing myself as it were, thereby ensuring I don't miss out on any part of this important, newsworthy affair.

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Whales harassed by jet ski in Shellharbour

I  recently visited Shellharbour as a tourist and was privileged to view humpback whales from the coastline. But for the whales seeking sanc...