Presumably I wouldn't even have a blog if so many darn people and various life situations weren't so massively annoying.
'Tis the Ashes cricket which vexes me today. We all know that the English invented rain to give the Poms something to talk about.
And I would not be surprised if the 16th century Englishmen invented the rain at the exact same time they invented cricket. How often does a rain-soaked wicket at dark and depressing Old Trafford benefit them? Um, every single Ashes.
I don't understand why sookie lala cricketers can't play in the rain. Why does rain stop play? Maybe because they'll get their hair wet? That's why I avoid rain, drizzle, mist and wet air, but I'm a namby pamby girl who cries her eyes out when her locks get unexpectedly wet. I hate my hair getting wet.
Hates it lots. However, if winning or losing an Ashes Test rested on my venturing out into rain, I would go out into the fucking rain and do my job.
I could certainly understand cricketers reluctance to play in the rain wearing white t-shirts if one were a girl. But they are boys, and they certainly do not seem to have any issue at all with drawing international televisual attention to their nether regions, what with their endless fiddling between balls, so to speak.
Although I guess you can't begrudge the English their wet weather wins. Inventing rain was smart, because it gives them a 50:50 chance of nailing home games.