Tuesday, 4 July 2017

DAY 4 The Writing Inquisition - We all have a Roswell

Earlier today, as I was walking home from work, minding my own business, as much as I ever mind my own business, I encountered a field of strange markings on the ground made from materials that glowed eerily on their own. It was Scooby-Doo spooky. The photographic evidence I compiled is below. It might be wise to delete all evidence of your eyes after viewing.

I'm not much of a fangirl of conspiracy theories, but this was probably not unlike how the first responders felt at Roswell. Roswell is one of my favourite conspiracies. It's just so great.

The theory holds that, in 1947, a UFO crashed at Roswell in New Mexico. Technology and alien bodies were recovered, and the U.S. military has been covering it up ever since, preferring to study alien technology and biology in secret squirrel mode. Some authorities reported the field of debris contained metals unknown to science.

The official line is that a balloon from a top secret research programme crashed.

It's a good yarn anyway.

So back to my Roswell.

I dont want to jump to conclusions, but in the absence of a really solid conspiracy theory that may dawn on me at 2am, I can only assume that the materisls I saw were obtained from Officeworks. Someone in the ACT Government has raided all of Canberra's Officeworks stores and stocked up on a ramge of markers and highlighters to suit all projects and budgets.

What if I wanted to buy a highlighter? I guess no-one in Canberra gets to make anything glow all by itself until more stock arrives from Stabilo. Lock up your highlighters!

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