Wednesday, 5 July 2017

DAY 5 The Writing Inquisition - 40% off S W A G

High fashion. Why. Other than people in the industry, I sometimes feel like it's one of those things that a total of 10 people have time to follow. 

Which is probably the reason why we keep seeing runway models wearing some of the weirdest crap in the world. Today's blog is brought to you by a guest blogger, who off loaded their views to me on this Dotti mesh dress thing (pictured). Thankyou, guest blogger:

Why is she wearing John Denver sunglasses???

And apparently, the tulle thing is to give you a cool, off-duty style. I’d describe it more as a weirdo, fashion-victim off-duty style, but whatevs.

My off-duty style involves ugg boots and polar fleece but I live in non-cool Canberra, aka the Daggy Capital, so if I wore a black tulle mesh midi dress, I might stand out a bit in the Horror Dome.

Also, I don’t own any ripped denim or a band tee, because they were cool in the 80s and the 70s. Now, they’re just “fashion” and it’s pretentious.  If you don’t know who the Ramones were, or why their music was “important”, and aren’t old enough to have gone to their live concerts, then you shouldn’t be allowed to wear a rip-off Ramones t-shirt. 

Also I don’t like the Ramones. Their music sucked in the 70s when they wrote it.  It sucked in the 80s when I first heard it. And it still sucks now.  I hate punk.

Why am I talking about the Ramones? I think she might be wearing an Aerosmith tshirt? It’s hard to tell.

I don’t like Aerosmith’s music much either.

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