Saturday, 8 July 2017

DAY 8 The Writing Inquisition - BBC at Namadji

Just a short, little blogget today. I'm a bit of  hiker. defines 'hiking' as 'to move up or rise, as out of place or position (often followed by up), and that pretty sums up my life when I go hiking in Namadgi National Park, my favourite national park in the Australian Capital Territory region. My favourite trek doers a lot of up, up for seven kilometres and then you have to come back down again.

On one of my recent treks, I popped into the Namadji Visitor Centre om the way back down, because I wanted to ask the ranger on duty about a big black cat that I had seen a few months ago.  The visitor's centre is home to Spencer the python. I hadn't seen him for a while, so I said G'day to him as he was basking in the late afternoon winter sun and then noticed a film crew in the corner. It turned out to be the BBC filming, about Australian wildlife presumably.

The ranger said they were doing a story on the black and white dingoes in Namadji. I did not know that black and white dingoes were a thing, so I might watch their special when in comes on the teev!

Bit of a boring, vamilla post today but, oh well, that's lyf.

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