Living in Canberra and working in the public service is just bollocks at this time of the year. Speaking of balls, this place is cold enough to freeze them off a brass monkey right now. Canberra is getting it's arctic monkey on.
When it comes down to it, the federal budget is all about a small group of people who move massive amounts of money around an imaginery monopoly-type board while the rest of us go to work and hope they don't send us directly to jail or give us an old boot to play with.
I unfortunately know at least half a dozen people who get all excited by the associated budgetary figures and statistics of this system of commerce, and they're not even paid to be enthusiastic about the nuts and bolts, or faux interested at the other end of the public sector spectrum. One of them works in advertising. It's really not right.
I find their overeagerness terribly tragic and deeply disturbing, and it also means that no-one wants to talk to me right now about more pertinent matters, like what's happening in the Daily Mail. I love the Daily Mail. Pure British tabloid trashiness.
I know not to watch commercial news stations EVER. I know not to do this. And this is why. Why is a single mother with no income and five children under the age of five by five different fathers considered a ‘victim of the economy’, rather than what she really is, which is a completely irresponsible skank? Why is she considered disadvantaged, and why does the Gillard Government support people like this with a sugar hit? Well, skank, Wayne Swan says no more baby bonuses for you.
If you can't afford to have children then you probably shouldn't be having children. Is this really rocket science? It shouldn't be an entitlement; it should be means-tested, and not only financially. While I admit that would be a win for the nanny state, it would also be a huge triumph for the rest of the community. In reality, the only people who worry about whether they can afford children are the people who can afford to have children.
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