I don't know about you kids, but I have had a comprehensively exhaustive week. I'm well aware that those two adjectives mean the same thing. Geez, which part of comprehensively exhaustive week do you people not understand? *don't know how to insert winky smiley face on Blogger so this will do*
My 9-to-5 has fatigued the hell out of me this week through its sheer bloody-minded uninterestingness. I'm just so gosh darn it bored with it all. But there are more than likely changes in the wind, so I think I'll jump aboard the opportunity train while there are still positions available that don't involve cleaning the toilets. Or jumping off moving trains.
The Defence Department has been calling my name for years, so maybe I'll jump off the train onto a tank. Just like Jack Bauer. I would do it exactly like Jack Bauer. And Defence have a real-life helicopter in their lobby, so there's that.
The only area of my current department that attracts my attention is mental health, but I'm not sure I want to work there. Maybe a change of departments will be as good as a Hawaiian holiday with an ocean view with breakfast thrown in and a stones throw from a Starbucks. Although, with that attitude, I suspect I may need to lower my expectations somewhat.
Like most of us, my goal in life is to do something I really want to do in order to pay the bills. It's a simple little friggin' goal, but it's pretty hard to achieve. I don't know about you, but I'm not even in the same ballpark in terms of doing something-I-want-to-do-with-my-life. In reality, I am in another ballpark playing a sport I don't really like. Like croquet. I hate croquet. It's stupid.
I spend my days hitting wooden balls with a mallet through little arches until my eyes explode through their sockets. And then I go back the next day, when all I really want to do is play archery. Or something. I very much doubt the public sector is my answer to the age old 'dream job' predicament, but I will persist until my dream job sweeps me off my feet.
What's that you say? I have to go find my dream job? Surely that's just your crazy talking!? I'm sure a travel writing gig that involves endless loops around the sun-drenched Greek islands, bikinis and ouzo will fall into my lap.
I imagine my new fave saying, 'Just Do It', is apt in this situation. It's also Nike's primary motto. Who knew? But there are always disclaimers that come into play with Just Doing It, like fear of failure, anxiety, mortgage and bills, and that cosy, warm security blanket of a public sector position.
I am, however, Just Doing It in the fitness arena of my life. I have been to the gym five consecutive days this week. Weights, cardio, weights, cardio; it went a bit like that. I am a feeling a little comprehensively exhausted (maybe Nike will like this slogan too, seeing as they stole my first one*).
I am usually very much in favour of al fresco cardio training. The air is clear and cleansing, there are less people and there's more space to do your thing, but training at the gym ain't so bad; it's just something I have to get used to for the next five months, as Canberra sinks into its Antarctic winter.
* Just kidding, Nike. I wear a grey, purple and blue pair of your trainers. I heart them. But they are falling apart. Maybe you need to hire better machinists? You know what they say - Just Do It.
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