Tuesday 12 August 2014

England's Moronways

I've been cruising the petunia-ridden streets of Englandshire for the past five weeks. It's been great craic, but I'm getting a little weary of cathedrals, castles, palaces and other outstanding old shit. Plus the motorways drive me bat shit crazy. 
So thoughtful of them to put Stonehenge right on the A343.
My exact problem in travelling around Englandworld is that to see A, you must first traverse B.  'A' being some type of exceptional landmark and 'B' being having to drive/take transport to get there. 

And 'B' is mostly just different levels of exasperating, but that's what you get when you pop 60 million lads and folk into a can of spam and label it England
I'm sure the English are just doing the best they can with the archaic potholes surrounded by the occasional stretch of flat asphalt that they have been equipped with and for some inexplicable reason call 'roads', but they certainly don't put on a friendly reception to visitors.

People are doing the best they can, said Deepak Chopra. Plus, people are massive idiots, said me. They try to obliterate anything in their path with their heat seeking BMWs, and that's just not cricket.

Not much of a hedge fan.

There are no speed limits on the moronways.  There seems to be a wide range of speed options available on various signposts along the way but these are rarely adhered to, and only at one's discretion.

I believe the object of the race is to double the number you see on the signpost on the side of the racetrack, times it by your favourite number and that will provide you with an appropriate rate of motion for the conditions presented to you.

It would be fine if any of them knew how to drive, park, indicate, merge, overtake, reverse or drive like a fucking normal person, but, alas.

To their credit, the British don't beep their horn at you, no matter what you do to them. Because they're British, and beeping would be terribly impolite. They'll annihilate your car to a diesely pile of rubble, but they are well mannered enough to not beep.

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