Thursday 24 March 2011

Hollywood's aliens

Quite extraordinary what some actors will do for a paycheck and a little bit of the limelight.  The other night, I watched a bit of a particularly painful movie starring Keanu Reeves as an alien, who looked remarkably like an Oahu local, and Kathy Bates as the US Secretary of State, which is actually quite good casting.  Although, ever since her performance as a psychopath in The Shining, she's crept the hell out me.  But then I suppose the real SoS, Hillary Clinton, does too.

Why do Hollywood's aliens always speak English?  And why do they have American accents?  Are why do they assume a human appearance?  Are why does Hollywood presume that aliens would give a shit about California?  If I was an alien, I would most likely veer towards somewhere on earth that contains intelligent life forms.  So that kinda rules out the U.S. West Coast.  Oh, the movie is a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still.  That's a classic movie, right?  Well, I suppose there is no accounting for taste.  It's a friggin' stupid movie, and I picked up the remote to get it away from me.

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