Friday 19 October 2012

This post probably doesn't deserve a title.

I don't know about you, cyberbot person, but I turn pretty much everything I do into a competition. I can't help it. If someone is walking a few metres ahead of me into work then I must overtake them at some point before we get to the security gates.

Because blazing through first while they piss around trying to find their security pass in their handbag/manbag is sort of cheating, even though in the real world it means I win. But it's not a competition, apparently, so let's move on.

I write of high stakes rivalry because I am currently engaged in such a venture with myself, which is fairly advantageous for me because winner takes all and I win either way.

The competition is to beat my 2011 blog post count in 2012. I’ve got nine to go to smash it. Cool, I guess only eight now. 

Disclaimer: I'm really tired and I think my brain went to bed hours ago.

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