Thursday 9 May 2013

RANT OF THE DAY - Recorder Distorters

Everywhere I go there are annoying little people - I think they may be called children - learning how to play the recorder.  Badly.  They do it very, very badly.  Why is this happening, you ask.  Nobody knows.

Learning how to play a musical instrument when you are a snotty, little ratbag serves no useful, practical purpose whatsoever, unless you want to be in a jazz band (fair call) or a busker (not the best career choice but inevitable for some) when you grow up, although it is also a very useful method of irritating this shit out of everyone within a one mile radius.

For the uneducated and uninterested, a recorder is a musical instrument of ear death.  A flute-like eardrum-bleeding torture machine.  A wooden tube that needs to be snapped into little pieces as soon as the user blows that hideous squeaking racket out of its little holes.

Rant of the day.  Thank you and good day.

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