Wednesday 1 May 2013

Sight for Blind Eyes

I've realised in the past year or so that university has completely ruined my eyesight.  It can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that I am getting older, because I am barely out of my teens.

All I know is about ten years ago my sight was not too bad at all, now I'm lucky if I can recognise someone I know from 20 metres away.  What the hell happened here? Uni happened, that's what.  I think all those years of reading lecture notes and textbooks by flickering campfire has stuffed them good.  Actually that's an outrageous lie, because I wouldn't go camping if my life depended on it.  Or yours.  Probably especially yours. No offence, cyberbots.

I've been wearing glasses for years for reading, especially when my eyes get tired.  But my main sight issue comes courtesy of my nan's genes.  Bless her, she gave me one long-sighted eye and one short-sighted eye, so my poor depth perception has been a handy life-long excuse for why I constantly walk into and sideswipe cars, walls, doorframes, doors, power poles, pillars, concrete barriers, and the occasional unfortunate person.

I have also been known to flatten side mirrors as I walk through carparks.  And it was a running joke when I was a child how I would manage to walk into a doorframe with my right shoulder and bruise my left inside ankle.

I'm very, very familiar with that instant nauseating pain you get when you hit your funny bone.  Actually none of my bones are off limits.  I often slip on escalators and I don't really care for the gap in elevators that normal people don't seem to think about.

I absolutely hate getting on or off a treadmill while it's vaguely moving, which is just stupid anyway, but I watch people do it at my gym all the time.  And last year at Disney in Florida I spent a lot of time willing myself not to misjudge my step when I had to get on rides that just don't stop. Stress, man.

Driving on roads that are squished between rock faces is a right nightmare and fills me with anxiety.  Ironically, I was pitcher for my high school softball team.  I imagine a lot of my issues could be mediated if I wore my glasses, but I've never been one to do what I'm told.  Plus poor depth perception makes one's life more exciting.

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