Wednesday 4 September 2013

Stomp A Little

Still awake because of a head cold, and other crap that's going round and round in my head.  Shut up brain. Go to sleep.  Went to see the STOMP tonight in Canberra. Gosh they are good at what they do.

Apparently I'm one of the few people in the world who claim to never have seen it. STOMP is a blend of tap, contemporary dance, theatre, comedy performed by people who have big mobs of rhythm using pretty much any household items, including brooms, dustpans, shopping trolleys, newspapers, cigarette lighters, garbage bins, plastic bags, pipes, pots and pans, rubber tyres, coughing, clapping, finger clicking and literally the kitchen sink.

The performance was super slick but it was also gritty. Most of the performers aren't the polished tapdog-type of athlete, but more the Kingswood County-type of drinker.  It was also witty, and they made (but a few) mistakes, which just added to the attraction. If you create an environment where the audience perceives the performers as capable of self-deprication, watching them make mistakes reminds you how talented they are.

It's best not to go to these things with any tinge of a headache, because it won't end well for you.  A few things I gleaned from the performance. I now know why shopping trolleys never work; because the Stompers have had their hands on them.  Might write more when I feel better, which is not right now.

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