Sunday 9 July 2017

DAY 9 The Writing Inquisition - A shoe tale as old as time

Today a bright, independent young woman ventured out of her faraway tree and was fairly immediately taken prisoner by a local shoe retail outlet. It was a truely traumatic event. Witnesses report that the hostage takers were trying to heel her sole. 
Despite her fears of overly enthusiastic sales assistants and of spending more than five minutes browsing the foot attire shelves, she was drawn to a pair of black suede stiletto boots in a behavioural manner witnesses could only describe as Stockholm Syndrome.

In a tale as old as time, she pissed around for what felt like days and months and seasons even, because she has clinical 'choice anxiety' and can't cope with varieties of colours and styles or her brain explodes.

So after all that, she calmed her damn farm and felt like she might be able to look beyond their suede appearance, which will allow her to see their kind heart and sole, and also to enjoy their comfy interior.

And, in the spirit of the most beautiful love story ever told since Disney's Beauty and the Beast, she bought them, yes she did, and they fitted her just like a slipper. Because no-one leaves Cinderella out of the story.

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