Sunday 2 July 2017

DAY 2 The Writing Inquisition - S C R A M B L E

Today is Day Two of my new Writing Inquisition. Day Two went like Day Two does in any type of challenge. It's a battle of wills. I was pitted against myself in a fight to the death, with the one willing to work the hardest, sacrifice the most, rising to be the winner and be rendered with a rewarding, stimulating blog post. I guess I didn't win. Thoughts I had tonight when I remembered the writing needed to happen:

Why am I doing this again?
I want a return ticket.
Yeah, I'm done with this.
I didn't do anything nearly vaguely interesting today.
I haven't tried something new like I said I would.

Oh the burden of blog responsibility.

Come to think of it, I did go to visit White Stuff today. There is a place in a national park, about half an hour's drive from where I live, that houses snow! I don't like the cold one tiny bit, as documented about 1,253 times throughout my blog, but I love the pretty white snow, particularly but not limited to the icing features it provides on mountain rooftops.

So without further ado, today's blog is called SCRAMBLE, because scrambling words together, while wading through heavy snow to provide immediate air support, is what I've done here.

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